Ivan Budarin Film

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Ivan Budarin Film

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Let me introduce myself - my name is Ivan Budarin and I´m a professional videographer engaged in professional production and a reportage videos. 

My passion involves creating outstanding, striking and emotional stories. To achieve that I deploy filmmaking technologies and pay a particular attention to details.

My target is to produce a memorable videos and capture all the important moments to make your story the one and only. To achieve a truly unique results I use all my knowledge and extensive expierence combining with the most modern equipment.

I also pay a special attention on the preparation stage of each project. I conduct preliminary analysis of the location and program and place emphasis on the future clips and films long before the first shots appear. 

But the real magic is happening during a post-production stage. I personally carry out detailed selection of the brightest and most emotional shots and make them play all the rainbow colors with the help of color correction techniques. Then perform deep retouching and add visual effects, finishing with a sound design during an audio editing stage.

My clips and films immerse you into the atmosphere of the movie – you’ll only be on the other side of the screen! All the most important events, the brightest details, and the most emotional moments will forever remain in your memory.

Preguntas frecuentes

Principales servicios
1.000 €
¿Qué otros servicios ofreces?
¿Qué estilo de fotografía/vídeo realiza principalmente?
¿Con cuánta antelación recomiendas contratarte?
1-3 semanas
¿Necesito cita previa?
Cita previa requerida
¿Cobras extra por desplazamiento?
Sí, cobramos siempre
¿En qué año iniciasteis esta actividad?
Gama de precios del servicio
Precio medio-alto

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